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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > About us > Group Members > Guangzhou Zhongzhou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

                Guangzhou Zhongzhou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

                Guangzhou Middle-land Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.,national high-tech enterprises on environmental protection technology, equipment, engineering, service, was established in 2009. We have been rated as "Enterprise Abiding by Contract and Honesty" continuously since the establishment. The company is one of the controlling shareholders of Nanfang Environmental Protection Group. In 2020, we are selected as a "2-High-level & 4-Advanced Enterprise" by Guangzhou Industry and Information Technology Bureau.

                Our main businesses cover sludge treatment, water environment treatment, smart environment and related environmental project investment. We are characterized by continuous research and development of our core technologies and products, and provide a full range of services around that, including but not limited to equipment, engineering, complete sets, maintenance, intelligent operation and investment. We have a high-quality, young and energetic knowledge-based workforce. More than 70% of the employees have a bachelor’s degree or above. Most of the core staff and management are from well-known universities in the industry, with a strong pioneering and innovative spirit.

                In the field of sludge treatment, we took the lead in successfully building the independent domestic brand of sludge silo system, and our sale performance ranks the top. Successfully, we developed Dual Cylinder of S Valve Pump (DSP), which can be an excellent solution for long-distance transportation of high viscous materials. Nearly hundred of sewage plants at home and abroad chose us for whole sludge processing sets of equipment and related services. We also cooperate with several international companies to introduce, simultaneously, develop by our own. Aiming continually at researching and developing packed sludge treatment technology, including dehydration, drying, storage and transportation technology research and development, we accumulated a great deal of experience in engineering design and practice. Above all, we can provide customers with high-quality and efficient "sludge dehydration, drying, storage and transmission" system solutions and services.

                In the field of water environment controlling, we cooperate with Guangdong Institute of Microbiology and Grunfos, the largest pump manufacturer in the world, to provide customers with a set of services covering pollution intersecting, ecological restoration, intelligent operation, energy conservation, emission reduction, and so on. Having nearly 100 projects of ecological restoration and pollution intersecting & equipment, we promote Grundfos integrated pump stations and pump sluices in South China for the first time. As the distributor of Grundfos in South China, we have a first-class service team, which can provide you with a full range of services including consulting, purchasing and after-sales maintenance of products.

                In the field of intelligent environment and investment, we have strong financial strength and rely on unique technology. Cooperating with the computer and automation laboratories of key universities, we provide you with the project contracting and complete equipment, technical consultation, equipment supply and installation, maintenance and other services in sewage treatment plant, sludge treatment plant and garbage treatment plant. With intelligent cloud platform, through intelligent gateways, programmable logic controller (PLC), smart devices, and intelligent instruments such as digital video cameras, the local operation conditions, and the real-time scene information will be uploaded to the cloud server. Above all, a 7*24-hour service will be provided, including fault alarm, risk warning and rapid repair, remote diagnosis, data analysis, numerical modeling. Such an all-round comprehensive service can be accessed through multi-terminals ,for example, mobile  phone, pad and PC. Integrating "data collection, analysis and control", we help you increase efficiency and the quality of operation, meanwhile,  save the cost greatly.

                We take technological innovation as one of the significant development strategies all along, and collaborate with Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, and universities such as Shandong University, South China University of Technology, and Guangdong Industry University for scientific researches. Had successively undertaken and completed the national small and mid-sized enterprises technology innovation fund, Guangdong province industry-academia-research, Guangzhou science and technology tackling and many other different levels of science and technology projects, we have developed the active sand filter, the sludge storage silo, the drying sludge silo, Dual Cylinder of S Valve Pump (DSP), and a number of such independent patent products. In 2018, with " Innovative Low-cost Sludge Dehydration Drying Treatment System " , we won the honorable mention of the growth group in the 7th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for New Energy and Energy Saving, as well as the first prize of the 3rd Yangcheng "Science and Innovation Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

                About us
                Group introduction
                Group Members
                Development Process
                Qualification & Honor
                Scientific research innovation...
                Corporate Cultures
                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
                Water environment management
                Environmental services and inv...
                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
                Contact us
