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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > About us > Group Members > Guangdong Nanfang environmental protection Biotechnology Co., Ltd

                Guangdong Nanfang environmental protection Biotechnology Co., Ltd

                Guangdong Nanfang Environmental Protection Biotechnology Co., Ltd,Established in 1987,is a national high-tech enterprise integrating environmental protection technology, equipment, engineering and service.

                Our main business is odor and VOCs treatment, environmental services and related environmental project investment. We are characterized by continuous research on our own core technologies and products, and provide a full range of services around that, including but not limited to equipment, engineering, complete sets, maintenance, intelligent operation and investment.

                In the field of odor and VOCs treatment, we have successfully developed a series of biological, chemical and physical treatment devices for odor pollutants and VOCs, which are all widely used in municipal, sanitation, petrochemical, printing and dyeing, papermaking, pharmaceutical, food and other industries. We have obtained more than ten patents of invention and utility model in biological treatment filling, deodorant process, device and system, etc. The company has established "Guangdong Province Industrial Organic Waste Gas and Odor Control Engineering Technology Research Center", is the vice-chairman unit of the "Volatile Organic Pollutant Treatment Technology and Equipment National Engineering Laboratory" and the main member of the "Guangdong Province Volatile Organic Pollutants Pollution Treatment Industry Technology Innovation Alliance".

                In the field of environmental service and investment, we have strong financial strength and rely on unique technology. Cooperating with the computer and automation laboratories of key universities, we provide you with the project contracting and complete equipment, technical consultation, equipment supply and installation, maintenance and other services in sewage treatment plant, sludge treatment plant and garbage treatment plant. With an intelligent cloud platform, through intelligent gateways, smart meters, smart devices, and intelligent instruments such as digital video cameras, the local operating conditions, and the real-time scene information will be uploaded to the cloud server. Above all, a 7*24-hour service will be provided, including fault alarm, risk warning and rapid repair, remote diagnosis, data analysis, numerical modeling. Such an all-round comprehensive service can be accessed through multi-terminals, for example, mobile phone, pad and PC. Integrating "data collection, analysis and control", we help you increase efficiency and quality of operation, meanwhile, save the cost greatly.

                Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, one of the earliest research units engaged in the biological treatment of odor gas in China, is the shareholder of our company, providing environmental technology and hardware facilities. It has over-50-year experience in microbial research and mature bacteria screening, breeding, domestication abilities. At present, there is an academician of the Academy of Engineering, 59 researchers and associate researchers. With the provincial application of microbial state key laboratory of south China, the national chemical ecological environment safety evaluation service center, the national biological industry base public experiment center, national patent preservation institutions - of microbial culture collection center of Guangdong province, southern China's largest (second) of the country's large fungi herbarium, drinking water safety in Guangdong province emergency technology research center, and such a large number of national and provincial science and technology innovation platform. We have deep cooperation with Guangdong Institute of Microbiology in the research and development of scientific research projects, a transformation of scientific and technological achievements, talent exchange and other aspects. We also participated in the investment and construction of Zhaoqing National High-tech Zone "Guangzhou Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Industrial Biotechnology Transfer Center of Guangdong Academy of Sciences" to join the promotion of the development in scientific and technological innovation.

                About us
                Group introduction
                Group Members
                Development Process
                Qualification & Honor
                Scientific research innovation...
                Corporate Cultures
                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
                Water environment management
                Environmental services and inv...
                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
                Contact us
